Aquest és el nou espai virtual que podem emprar per compartir experiències i conèixer millor tot allò que estem fent.

El dia a dia no ens permet estar al cas de totes les activitats que fan la resta de companys, per tant amb aquest nou marc volem obrir un nou canal de comunicació i debat.

dilluns, 17 de febrer del 2014

IH conference

Varem tenir l'oportunitat de seguir la #ihbcnelt conference.
En l’esperança que altres aniran afegint els seus apunts, comentaris, observacions faig el primer pas. Ja que vaig fer apunts durant la conferència, us els poso en anglès.

Lindsay Clanfield was a joy to listen to, and he shared lots of great ideas about how to use lists in the classroom.
Have your students difficulty with their spelling? Do you have to keep an attendance list? Spell the name of the students when checking the list.
Or instead of having them answer with their name, let them come up with a word from a category like fruits.

He mentioned a blog post by Philip Kerr on word lists.
I can just imagine the 5 word list. Like Paola would surely come up with 5 words in German she wouldn’t want to miss. (Am I getting this idea right? I like it anyhow).
Which 5 words would you take on a desert island? I think mine would be gobbledygook, conundrum, continental assortment (I always felt it defined me well J), Lake district, convenience store.   The funny thing is I can still remember where I learnt the first two: in an English class back at university. We were given these words and had to come up with convincing definitions. The others in the class had to guess which the correct one was.
Which five words would you put into the fridge to save for later?
A list of things to do before you die gives a good conversation starter.
He also referred to Shelley Terrell’s List of 30GoalsList
A Who's who list of people who have something in common gives rise to speculations.
Bring a list of top 10, 20 etc news stories to class, leave out words / leave only first letter of people in, let people guess.
Use REAL shopping lists as you might find them on grocery list collection. Good for learning / teaching chunks, e.g. facial cleanser
List: what can you deduce about sb?
A to do list can spark off discussion of things you've already done or still have to do: Write a to-do list, but add some things you’ve already done. Your partner then asks you
about it.

He actually also uses it to teach phonology. When you read a list, you use intonation patterns: rise, rise, rise, fall. Fall indicates I'm finished.
He had us think about three things we liked about our name.

Feedback lists: ask for three positive things and one that could be improved
He published a book together with Luke Meddings called 52. Can one new teaching idea per week make a difference?
I think notes for his talk on writing might be found in his blog.

Get it in writing Gabby Maguire

She had very nice ideas, and we have her handouts.